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Natalie Thomas
Spiritual Mentor, Psychic, & Certified Healer

Hi there, if you don't know me, I am a professional Spiritual Mentor

A Mom

A Wife

A Lawyer

A Psychic Medium

A Podcaster

& Whole Family Spiritual Retreat Host


I am a busy mom who has unlocked Joy and truly found happiness even with 3 kids, a husband, multiple passions and a big extended family. I found joy and I am on a mission to help more moms find the same joy I have found, through developing their spirituality.

Your Family Psychic offer many ways to connect to your spirituality including:
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Psychic readings and mediumship sessions including child and teen readings

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Whole Family Spiritual Events & Retreats 


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Sound Healing
Energy Healing Energy Cleansing 

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Intuition Training

Spiritual Coaching

Mindful Coaching Spiritual Business Consulting

Sessions can be virtual or in person. We welcome all questions and will speak with anyone for a FREE coaching call and spiritual assessment. Please contact us for any personal queries

© 2022 Natalie L Thomas Agency  All Rights Reserved


All information provided is for inforamtional purposes only. Natalie Thomas is not providing medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice in any way. All information provided is for the the recipient to process and make their own independent decisions. Natalie will not, nor should any spiritual reader, tell someone that they must or have to do something. All actions taken as a result of readings is  the personal decision of the recipient. Natalie is in now way liable for your actions in response to any readings, coaching, or other service.

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